Never Challenge A Suspected Witch – “EXORCISM” by Ray Bradbury, a Fun Creepy Story! #WeirdDarkness
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IN THIS EPISODE: It’s Thriller Thursday where I bring you stories of sci-fi or horror fiction. The name Ray Bradbury immediately brings to mind such fictional tales – classics, many of them… some of which I’ve narrated here in the podcast such as “The Jar”, “Skeleton”, and a disturbing one I recently posted here called “The Small Assassin.” But as good as Bradbury was at writing about the paranormal, he could also write comedy – and in tonight’s story he combines the two. “Exorcism” is a fun short tale about a nosy housewife who suspects an older woman in town is studying to become a witch… and decides to confront the old lady to voice her disapproval.
“Exorcism” by Ray Bradbury, from the book “The Stories of Ray Bradbury” from Rosetta Books:
Weird Darkness theme by Alibi Music Library.
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“I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.” — John 12:46
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Originally aired: December 05, 2024
Views: 13