“THE GREY ALIEN AGENDA: Abductions, Experiments, and Stealing Souls” and more! #WeirdDarkness
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Listen to ““THE GREY ALIEN AGENDA: Abductions, Experiments, and Stealing Souls” and more! #WeirdDarkness” on Spreaker.
IN THIS EPISODE: We’ve all been exposed to the concept of the grey aliens – made popular in numerous TV shows and films. From Steven Spielberg’s “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”, to TV’s “Stargate SG-1” they are seen as harmless, even friendly. But then there are the darker stories such as the true account of the abduction of Barney and Betty Hill, or the film “Fire In The Sky” telling of the true kidnapping of Travis Walton into a strange spacecraft – with both stories telling of strange and terrifying experiments being done to the abductees by the grey humanoids. But could that latter category of stories be even more sinister? Could the Greys be, in fact, harvesting our humanity… and possibly even our souls? (The Parasitic Greys) *** Over the years, hundreds of people online have shared memories of a cheesy Nineties movie called “Shazaam”. There is no evidence that such a film was ever made. What does this tell us about the quirks of collective memory? (The Non-Existent Film The Internet Insists Is Real) *** While the Loch Ness Monster, or “Nessie” is a worldwide celebrity, she has a distant cousin in America that doesn’t get the same kind of press – although she probably should. Have you heard of Lake Erie’s “Bessie”? (The Legendary Leviathan of Lake Erie)
CHAPTERS & TIME STAMPS (All Times Approximate)…
00:00:00.000 = Disclaimer and Cold Open
00:03:47.538 = Show Intro
00:06:26.383 = The Parasitic Greys
00:38:08.199 = The Non-Existent Film The Internet Insists Is Real
00:54:17.077 = The Legendary Leviathina of Lake Erie
00:59:51.919 = Show Close
“The Abduction of Travis Walton” by Lee Speigel for the Huffington Post: https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/vd7v6xp3
“The Parasitic Greys” from New Dawn Magazine: https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/3auj26fa
“The Non-Existent Film The Internet Insists Is Real” by Amelia Tait for New Statesman: https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/phpf3tcz
“The Legendary Leviathan of Lake Erie” by Molly Fosco for Ozy: https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/bu7bj4e8
Weird Darkness theme by Alibi Music Library.
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“I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.” — John 12:46
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Originally aired: March 27, 2021
CUSTOM LANDING PAGE: https://weirddarkness.com/GreyAlienAgenda
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