“Dude, Where’s My Chopstick?” #GrinReaper

“Dude, Where’s My Chopstick?” #GrinReaper

“DUDE, WHERE’S MY CHOPSTICK?” | Grin Reaper’s Horror-ible Humor

In a shocking case of ‘how did he not notice that?’, a Vietnamese man partied so hard he accidentally turned his face into a utensil holder for three whole weeks!

How about a real-life horror story for the game “I spy with my little eye.”

A 24-year-old Vietnamese man recently became the new world champion for Most Oblivious Person Ever when he walked around for THREE WHOLE WEEKS with a chopstick embedded in his face — and didn’t even realize it!

Photo: Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy

The man arrived at the Can Tho University Hospital with a painful, swollen eye. And emergency doctors were a bit confused at first, because his vision was perfect, but something wasn’t right. One of the doctors even put on some fancy X-ray glasses and discovered something that was jaw-droppingly beautiful — a 9cm chopstick inside the eye socket! That’s about three-and-a-half inches in length… and he didn’t notice?

The best part? In response to the doctors’ question about how a WHOLE CHOPSTICK got stuck in his face, the patient answered, “Well… I ran into my friend at this crazy party…” That’s right, Weirdos — he was enjoying himself so much he somehow didn’t realize that eating-utensils somehow became projectiles – and then eye candy. Or… behind the eye candy.

You might have heard the verse in the bible, Matthew 7:3, about how you shouldn’t worry about the speck in someone else’s eye if you have a log in your own eye. The lesson is about not being critical and judgmental of someone else if you are guilty of the same. But I’m pretty sure actually slamming a two-by-four into your eye-socket isn’t what the lesson was about.

This medical absurdity story gets even worse when we learn, after doctors extracted the chopstick, that it has been used for eating previous to it become a face accessory.

Fortunately for Mr. Eye Stick, the chopstick didn’t actually enter his eyeball.

Photo: Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy

As bizarre as this story is, it’s not the first time something like this has occurred. There are other people out there who have had chopsticks stuck in their heads for weeks or EVEN MONTHS and did’t know at first. How does this happen? Is this a fashion-fad in Vietnam and China? Are you considered more attractive with a plank sticking out of your face? Or are people there just so polite they choose not to point out that you have a bloody stump of a stick exiting your parietal lobe?

So, my fellow Weirdos, perhaps we you make forks the centerpiece at your next party… on second thought, those are probably just as dangerous. Maybe opt for spoons – or stick to finger foods. If you stick a finger in your eye and get it stuck, you’ll at least not have to wait for three straight weeks before realizing something is amiss.

SOURCE: Oddity Central

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