“THE GURNING MAN OF GLASGOW” and More Disturbing Stories! #WeirdDarkness #Darkives
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Listen to ““THE GURNING MAN OF GLASGOW” and More Disturbing Stories! #WeirdDarkness #Darkives” on Spreaker.
FICTION: “The Revelation at Auschwitz”
NON-FICTION: The Old Lady Ghost Hiding In The Darkness” *** “The Black Eyed Beckoning Ghost” *** “Could My House Be Haunted?” *** “The Others” *** “Doctor Sleep” *** “The Black Eyed Man in the Walmart Parking Lot” *** “Was The Mysterious Gurning Man Of Glasgow A Visitor From Another Time Or Just A Madman?” *** “The Green MG” *** A woman visiting her mother in the hospital takes an unexpected trip when stepping into the elevator. (Elevator Opens Into The Twilight Zone) *** Even 24 doors couldn’t give Charles Lapham a way out of his seemingly-cursed life. (No Exit – The Lapham Patterson House) *** A nightmare is frightening, we can all agree on that. But what if you have a nightmare within a nightmare? One woman tells her terrifying story. (My Real Life Nightmare) *** Robert Berdella. Behind his friendly demeanor lurked a deadly obsession with torture and murder. (The Butcher of Kansas City) *** Richard Loeb and Nathan Leopold believed themselves to be more intelligent than all others, and had a plan to to commit the perfect murder. But it would be their pride that brought the down in the end. (Chicago’s Thrill Killers)
“The Old Lady Ghost Hiding In The Darkness” submitted by Jill: https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/57hpxdw9
“The Black Eyed Beckoning Ghost” submitted by Louise Stillman: https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/5c9evhcc
“Could My House Be Haunted?” submitted by Jane Sandor: https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/mr2jfdcz
“The Others” submitted by Sammi Teal: https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/55f2umab
“Doctor Sleep” submitted by Tyrone Howard: https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/mrxdtfp8
“The Black Eyed Man in the Walmart Parking Lot” submitted by Louise Kellman: https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/yv9c4akh
“Was The Mysterious Gurning Man Of Glasgow A Visitor From Another Time Or Just A Madman?” posted at MessageToEagle.com (link no longer valid)
“The Green MG” submitted by Ken DaSilva-Hill from Kentish Mysteries
“The Revelation at Auschwitz” written by Gage Garza, CreepyPasta.com: https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/ycxzzcww
“Chicago’s Thrill Killers” by Troy Taylor: https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/399xrvcu
“Elevator Opens Into the Twilight Zone” by Lisa Gibson: https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/wyr5wacc
“The Butcher of Kansas City” by Orrin Grey: https://the-line-up.com/robert-berdella
“My Real Life Nightmare” by Alicia Zapata, submitted at http://www.WeirdDarkness.com
“No Exit – The Lapham Patterson House” by Jessica Ferri: https://the-line-up.com/lapham-patterson-house
Weird Darkness theme by Alibi Music Library
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(Over time links seen above may become invalid, disappear, or have different content. I always make sure to give authors credit for the material I use whenever possible. If I somehow overlooked doing so for a story, or if a credit is incorrect, please let me know and I will rectify it in these show notes immediately. Some links included above may benefit me financially through qualifying purchases.)
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“I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.” — John 12:46
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Originally aired: February 24, 2017
Views: 31