“H.H. HOLMES: AMERICA’S JACK THE RIPPER” and more! #RetroRadio #WeirdDarkness

“H.H. HOLMES: AMERICA’S JACK THE RIPPER” and more! #RetroRadio #WeirdDarkness

“H.H. HOLMES: AMERICA’S JACK THE RIPPER” and more! #RetroRadio #WeirdDarkness

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IN THIS EPISODE: Witchcraft, torture, and a man selling his soul to Satan. Not exactly the kind of events you typically expect before a wedding. (The Devil’s Agent) *** Creativity is usually admired by those who experience it, reveling in the joy and artistry a creator puts into his work. But when a serial killer decides to get creative, the only one who feels joy is the killer himself. And thus was the case with H. H. Holmes. (America’s Most Creative Serial Killer) *** Did an American serial killer’s reign of terror reach England? One man believes so. In fact, he believes his great-great grandfather was the one and only Jack the Ripper. And that man was H. H. Holmes. (American Ripper)

00:00:00.000 = Show Open
00:02:15.863 = CBS Radio Mystery Theater, “The Black Room” (October 29, 1974)
00:49:39.570 = Weird Darkness, “The Devil’s Agent”
00:57:22.991 = X Minus One, “The Parade” (May 01, 1950)
01:26:58.331 = Weird Darkness, “H.H. Holmes, Part 1”
01:38:22.399 = ABC Mystery Time, “Murder In Haste” (Air Date Unknown)
02:03:30.496 = Weird Darkness, “H.H. Holmes, Part 2”
02:17:07.496 = Appointment With Fear, “Pit And The Pendulum” (September 18, 1943)
02:46:02.959 = Weird Darkness, “H.H. Holmes, Part 3”
02:52:04.188 = Beyond the Green Door, “Phillip Baine in the Yukon (Air Date Unknown)

The Devil’s Agent” by Erik for The Paranormal Scholar: http://bit.ly/2Wh4hBL
America’s Most Creative Serial Killer” by John Freund for The Line Up: http://bit.ly/2PABl6N
American Ripper” by C.W.S. for The Line Up: http://bit.ly/2PvOJsC
Weird Darkness theme by Alibi Music Library
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“I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.” — John 12:46
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Originally aired: June 28, 2024

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