“FROM LEEDS TO LORE – THE JERSEY DEVIL” and More True Tales of Horror and Hell! #WeirdDarkness
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Listen to ““FROM LEEDS TO LORE – THE JERSEY DEVIL” and More True Tales of Horror and Hell! #WeirdDarkness” on Spreaker.
IN THIS EPISODE: Deep in the heart of New Jersey’s Pine Barrens lurks a legend that has haunted the Garden State for nearly three centuries. The Jersey Devil, a creature of nightmares with leathery wings and glowing red eyes, was born from a curse in the 1700s and has endured ever since – with sightings still taking place. (From Leeds to Lore, The Jersey Devil) *** In the mid-1970s, a terrifying predator stalked the streets of Oakland County, Michigan, abducting and murdering four innocent children. For nearly half a century, the identity of the Oakland County Child Killer has eluded investigators, leaving a trail of anguish, conspiracy theories, and unanswered questions in its wake. It’s a cold case that continues to haunt the community, as justice never came. (The Child Predator of Oakland County) *** The Sabretooth Clan… a group of modern-day vampires who blend seamlessly into society by day but embrace their nocturnal alter egos by night. With custom fangs, vintage attire, and a unique philosophy, these “lifestylers” host extravagant balls, perform rituals, and even have their own spiritual pantheon – all while maintaining a strict no-blood-drinking policy. What is it like to live as a vampire? (What Is It Like To Live As a Vampire?) *** In 1864 Canton, Ohio, a romance between German immigrant Ferdinand Hoffman and local girl Caroline Yost spiraled into a tale of deception, abuse, and ultimate tragedy. Their ill-fated union, marred by Hoffman’s criminal past and violent tendencies, culminated in a shocking church stabbing and a dramatic manhunt. (The Canton Church Murder) *** From fiery pits to Satan’s domain, our modern conception of hell is a tapestry woven from centuries of art, literature, and religious interpretation. But how much of what we believe about the underworld actually aligns with biblical teachings? We’ll look at some common misconceptions about hell, and discover how our cultural understanding of eternal damnation often diverges from scriptural truths. (What The Hell)
CHAPTERS & TIME STAMPS (All Times Approximate)…
00:00:00.000 = Title Story Preview and Show Open
00:05:20.761 = From Leeds To Lore: The Jersey Devil
00:15:02.802 = The Child Predator of Oakland County
00:39:59.552 = What Is It Like To Live As A Vampire?
00:46:45.785 = The Canton Church Murder
00:51:40.398 = What The Hell
“From Leads To Lore, The Jersey Devil” source: Amy Briggs, National Geographic:https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/mw722p3f
“The Child Predator of Oakland County” source: The Scare Chamber: https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/mpee9zbs
“What Is It Like To Live As A Vampire?” source: Jodie Smith, Graveyard Shift/Ranker: https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/2p9dz58b
“The Canton Church Murder” source: Robert Wilhelm, MurderByGaslight.com: https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/3zeet7dx
“What The Hell” sources: Quinn Armstrong, Ranker: https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/57v4chdu; Bible Gateway: https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/45tmyjhp, GotQuestions.org: https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/2p8zfdas, Wikipedia: https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/2p8p88hc
Weird Darkness theme by Alibi Music Library
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Originally aired: August 21, 2024
Views: 39