“THE MONSTER OF MEL’S HOLE” and More True Scary Paranormal Horror Stories! #WeirdDarkness #Darkives
Listen to ““THE MONSTER OF MEL’S HOLE” and More True Scary Paranormal Horror Stories! #WeirdDarkness #Darkives” on Spreaker.
IN THIS EPISODE: Elva Heaster was dead – but that didn’t stop her ghost from solving the murder. *** In Stephen King’s “Pet Semetery”, beloved family pets could come back from the dead. *** In Washington there is a hole that some say brings animals back to life – for real. *** In the middle of the Brompton Cemetery grounds, shrouded by trees stands a mausoleum… and what some believe is a time machine. *** The Mothman is apparently no longer bound to Point Pleasant, West Virginia – in 2017 he appeared 55 times in Chicago. *** Plus, a chapter from Faith Marlow’s book, “Beautiful Nightmares: Women of Horror Anthology” entitled “HAIR.”
CHAPTERS & TIME STAMPS (All Times Approximate)…
00:00:00.000 = Title Story Tease and Show Open
00:03:02.995 = The Ghost Who Helped Solve Her Own Murder
00:12:02.941 = The Monster of Mel’s Hole
00:22:51.070 = The Chicago Mothman Sightings
00:27:49.060 = London’s Time-Traveling Mausoleum
00:42:28.409 = “Hair” from the book “Beautiful Nightmares: Women of Horror Anthology” by Faith Marlow
01:32:19.863 = Show Close
“Hair” by Faith Marlow, from the book “Beautiful Nightmares: Women of Horror Anthology”:https://amzn.to/3LolYK6
“The Ghost Who Helped Solve Her Own Murder”: https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/2p98d8pu
“The Monster of Mel’s Hole”: https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/1xpq30ql
“The Chicago Mothman Sightings”: (link no longer available)
“London’s Time-Traveling Mausoleum”: https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/7pgczqce
Weird Darkness theme by Alibi Music Library
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“I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.” — John 12:46
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Originally aired: May 07, 2018
Views: 18