“The Chloroform And Gunsmoke Case” #MurderNoir

“The Chloroform And Gunsmoke Case” #MurderNoir

“The Chloroform And Gunsmoke Case” #MurderNoir

THE TRUE CRIME CASE THIS STORY IS BASED ON: In 1908, Sarah Koten, an unmarried immigrant nurse, took justice into her own hands after enduring a horrific crime. Dr. Martin Auspitz, her employer, had raped her, resulting in a pregnancy. When the courts and law enforcement failed to help her, Sarah lured Auspitz to an abandoned house and shot him dead. Her case quickly became a national sensation, with the press initially vilifying her as a hysterical woman. However, public perception shifted after she gave birth to her son in prison, with many viewing her as a victim defending her honor. Sarah’s actions were ultimately justified by the courts on the grounds of temporary insanity, leading to her release. Her case inspired other women to retaliate against male aggression, symbolizing a broader fight for women’s rights and self-defense during that era. Sarah Koten’s story, however, ended with her disappearance from public life, aided by the Council of Jewish Women, who helped her start anew under a different identity.
Listen to ““The Chloroform And Gunsmoke Case” #MurderNoir” on Spreaker.

“It Was My Duty To Kill Him” by Troy Taylor: https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/yckurad3
Music provided by Alibi Music Library
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Originally aired: August 25, 2024

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