MUFON [ooooh, sounds fancy- it is actually the largest ufo organization in the world] It includes approximately 700 eager researchers who have been investigating UFO and extraterrestrial probability for quite some time. Among its archives are some 137,000 reports by witnesses.
A bizarre jellyfish UFO-type video has surfaced online of the US military base in Iraq sometime around January 2024.
Even MUFON ufologists, initially skeptical had soon confirmed that all jellyfish-like UFOs were not new – their archives are full of similar observations!
The U.S. military declared the object in the video released by journalist Jeremy Corbell earlier this week an “unidentified aerial phenomenon” (UAP) back when it was filmed in 2018, according to a statement from Corbell on Tuesday night.
The Pentagon has so far not publicly commented on the footage or released an official statement.

These take on an oblong shape seeming to lack the dangling tentacles or filaments typical of a jellyfish, hence they are also referred to as “squid”.
More worrying still is that these jellyfish in the sky can do more than just watch; they are said to actively “hunt” people and even “suck” their life energy.
Also, in Denmark jellyfish UFOs were observed very often. Ufologist Bob Spearing said that the MUFON archive includes quite few drawings and photos of Danisk jellyfish UFOs to be found from as far back as in 1970.
These little jellyfish UFOs can even fly into people’s houses. In Singapore, a woman was sleeping and noticed several jellyfish UFOs with tentacles shimmering in white,silver,gold etc… flew into her bedroom.
The corner was filled with strange squid-like creatures that were slowly slithering as they extended their tentacles, bioluminescent and glowing. “Something, one of those whatever they are took up residence licking her and apparently woke her,” Bob Spearing said.

The creature was smart because it jumped immediately. The woman sensed it was deeply concerned, as if she and the dog had a psychic connection.
The “squid” was literally sucking the life out of her, she said.
It included jellyfish UFOs spotted in Vancouver in 2016 and 2024, reports from two more influxes of Iranian sightings…
A 45-year-old married woman with two sons from Iran was an onlooker to this. She heard a noise and realized something was after her. She was woken a couple of nights later by what felt like hands pressing on her chest.
Out loud she exclaimed, “What the heck.. It was then she looked down and saw a jellyfish with stubby legs. It was blue on one side, and red on the other – it looked remarkably-like alive. It parked itself above her and then crashed to the ground.
The jellyfish was gone in a minute or two. The following day, the woman realized she had a serious scar that was multiple inches long across her abdomen. It seemed to burn beneath his skin. The woman was very worried.”
Another sighting that seems to fit the description of a flying jellyfish is an incident from 1954, in which one was reported as following a BOAC Stratocruiser at 19,000 feet above Goose Bay (Canada), placing these sightings not only outside our own time but also beyond any sort of geographical boundary.
This is certainly not a new theory, the idea that some UFOs might be living creatures from another dimension.
The hypothesis Jacques Vallée, a highly respected computer scientist and ufologist world wide sent shockwaves telling the television that UFOs can be mental forms of beings from other dimensions or planes.
In the mind of Vallée (and perhaps our human reader, although s/he may not realise it), these entities might well be extraterrestrial – or they could hail from a reality with different natural laws. The hypothesis proposes that the alien visitors phenomenon may not stem from our physical reality or outer space, but rather alternate realities/parallel universes.
In like manner, Dr. Allen Hynek himself in his final years became very dubious that UFOs were the spaceships of another world at all!
He also pointed out that the activities of UFOs like stopping cars, taking samples from the ground and intimidating people were illogical for an advanced technologically race.
As an alternative to interstellar travel, Hynek suggested that UFOs could be sightings of craft from other dimensions or parallel realities living on frequencies different from our own.
Source: Anomalien
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