“NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCES: Hopes of Heaven, Horrors of Hell, and Skeptical Scientists” #WeirdDarkness

“NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCES: Hopes of Heaven, Horrors of Hell, and Skeptical Scientists” #WeirdDarkness

“NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCES: Hopes of Heaven, Horrors of Hell, and Skeptical Scientists” #WeirdDarkness

We look at the cosmic riddle of life and death… and the place in-between… the near-death-experience… from the view of those who have personally gone through it, those around them when it happened, and the doctors and scientists trying to make sense of it.

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Listen to ““NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCES: Hopes of Heaven, Horrors of Hell, and Skeptical Scientists” #WeirdDarkness” on Spreaker.
IN THIS EPISODE: To some, the idea of life after death is comforting. It gives them a sense of hope that they will be reunited with loved ones who have passed away. For others, the thought of an afterlife is scary and uncertain. But regardless of how we feel about it, the topic of life after death is one that fascinates us all. And those who have had a near-death-experience are about the closest we’ll ever get to finding an answer to that question – until we pass on ourselves. Tonight, we look at the cosmic riddle of life and death… and the place in-between… the near-death-experience… from the view of those who have personally gone through it, those around them when it happened, and the doctors and scientists trying to make sense of it.

CHAPTERS & TIME STAMPS (All Times Approximate)…
00:00:00.000 = Disclaimer and Lead-In
00:00:56.011 = Show Open
00:02:28.157 = Lauran Canaday
00:16:04.155 = Ancient Near-Death Experiences
00:29:47.434 = The Seven Types of Near-Death Experiences
00:37:32.389 = Doctor Believes In Life After Death
00:43:43.286 = What It Was Like For These Undead
01:01:59.256 = They Died And Saw Heaven
01:10:35.182 = They Died And Saw Hell
01:21:58.959 = Show Close

Episode Page at WeirdDarkness.com: https://weirddarkness.com/nde
CHURCH OF THE UNDEAD: “What Will Heaven Be Like?”: https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/yn6xjcve
CHURCH OF THE UNDEAD: “Myths About Hell”: https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/4urz9av6
BOOK: “Independence Ave: How Individualism Killed Me and Community Brought Me Back” by Lauran Canaday:https://amzn.to/3TK21Da
BOOK: “There Is A God: How the World’s Most Notorious Atheist Changed His Mind” by Anthony Flew: https://amzn.to/41W9qkV
Lauran Canaday story: http://tinyurl.com/msmnd6yx; http://tinyurl.com/yc7f8bc5; http://tinyurl.com/2385zpes;http://tinyurl.com/2p8ef7c4; http://tinyurl.com/bdn9xjbn; http://tinyurl.com/yck5cn4t; http://tinyurl.com/mvekkjjr
“Ancient NDEs” by Blake Lynch for ListVerse: https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/3audrx8y
“The Seven Types of NDEs” by Fiona MacDonald for Science Alert: https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/ycyze3js
“Doctor Believes in Life After Death” by Kelly Burch for Insider: https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/5d79dkxz; and from Oddity Central: https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/njbemyvb
“What It Was Like For These Undead” posted by Adan Matthews for DidYouKnowFacts and reposted at TheLineUp:https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/39xwt8kp
“They Died And Saw Heaven” by Matt McWilliams for Church Creative Pros: https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/4xavwzw9
“They Died And Saw Hell” by Joe Harker for Unilad: https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/23anjmau,https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/2p9758r4, and Katherine Ripley for Graveyard Shift:https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/yudk289p
(Over time links seen above may become invalid, disappear, or have different content. I always make sure to give authors credit for the material I use whenever possible. If I somehow overlooked doing so for a story, or if a credit is incorrect, please let me know and I will rectify it in these show notes immediately. Some links included above may benefit me financially through qualifying purchases.)
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“I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.” — John 12:46
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Originally aired: January 02, 2024

TRANSCRIPT: https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/2p8p45nj

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