Not Your Disney Mermaid: Real-Life Aquarium Performer Survives Giant Fish Attack

Something you won’t find in the Disney movie The Little Mermaid happened at a Chinese aquarium. Performing a mermaid act, a talent at the event named Mariia Zelenina had her head suddenly sucked into the mouth of a massive fish, a Chinese sturgeon!
The strange incident occurred during a performance at China’s Xishuangbanna Primitive Forest Park. The big fish came up behind her and had her whole head in its mouth — while Mariia was struggling underwater, holding her breath as part of her mermaid performance.
Fortunately, after a brief moment, Mariia broke free and quickly swam to the surface. “I was doing my solo performance when the fish attacked me,” she told PEOPLE Magazine. “At first, I had no idea what was happening… As soon as I came up to the surface, I realized my goggles were gone. I was really surprised, but I didn’t have any pain,” she said.
Mariia needed stitches for a cut on her face, and she went to the hospital, but she wasn’t badly hurt. Now she’s waiting for her injury to heal before returning to performing in the water.
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