(VIDEO) “Pixels and Paradoxes: The Internet Search For Time-Travel Evidence”

(VIDEO) “Pixels and Paradoxes: The Internet Search For Time-Travel Evidence”

Pixels and Paradoxes: The Internet Search For Time-Travel Evidence”

#MindOfMarlar is written by Darren Marlar, host of Weird Darkness


It’s an age-old question: Is time travel possible? The simple answer is… yes. In fact, you just traveled into the future about ten seconds since starting to read this article. COOL, EH?! 😱

Of course, that’s not the kind of time travel you’re asking about, is it?  Maybe you should be a bit more specific next time.  So let’s talk about the kind of time travel where you can leap several years forward or backward in time in the blink of an eye… or a wink of an eye if you’re a time-traveling gigolo… you dawg.

IMPORTANT FACT: This movie was not a documentary.

Well, a lot of people have been arguing that if time travel like this truly was possible… IS possible? WAS possible? If time travel WILL BE possible? You know, the past and present tense get kinda mixed up when discussing this subject. Whatever – if it is/was/will-be possible we’d have seen evidence of it by now – from time travelers of the future coming back and visiting us a la a Delorian and a Flux Capacitor. But we’ve not seen that – at least not to any believable degree.

Sure, there are those cool photos online that suggest time travel – like the hipster photo wearing clothing that supposedly wasn’t available in the 1940s when the photo was taken… but that’s been debunked. He dressed odd for the time, sure, but the clothes did exist. And really, when have hipsters ever dressed like the rest of society?

There’s the photo from around 1928 attached to a Charlie Chaplin film with a woman who looks like she’s talking on a modern-day smartphone… but it has since been revealed to be a type of hearing-aid of the era. Which is a far-cry from a modern-day smartphone which is almost impossible to hear without putting it on speakerphone.

Would a time-traveler dress like THIS for a day at the beach?

A similar photo from 1943 showed a man supposedly carrying a mobile device, but experts concluded he was just rolling a cigarette. And if the was truly a time-traveler, he would know cigarettes are bad for your health and probably wouldn’t have been doing that in the first place, despite doctors of the time claiming health benefits from cigarette smoking. Yeah… the past is weird. Or the future is. Probably both.

There’s also the story about how In New York City in 1951 a man wearing 19th-century clothes was hit by a car. The man, Rudolph Fentz, had supposedly disappeared without a trace in 1876. The items in his possession suggested that the man had traveled through time from 1876 to 1951 directly. Cool story… but then, it should be a cool story. Because it came from a science fiction book, “A Voice from the Gallery” (printed in 1953) by Ralph M. Holland, who himself had copied the tale from a short story by Jack Finney, “I’m Scared” (published in 1951).

John Titor is obviously a real time-traveler. Where else would he get such high-tech futuristic technology?

John Titor made a name for himself in the early 2,000’s claiming to be a time traveler – and he had a lot of people convinced. But when he started predicting all the things that would soon happen (because he already knew about them), and those things DIDN’T happen, well… that’s just this side of being a false prophet which would get you stoned in Old Testament times.

Not an actual photo of Pancy Nelosi. I have no idea who this lady is.

Andrew Carlssin was supposedly arrested in March 2003 for SEC violations for making 126 high-risk stock trades and being successful on each and every one of them. You only expect that kind of accuracy from D.C. politicians with names that rhyme with “Pancy Nelosi.” Andrew’s explanation for being so accurate in his stock trading? He was a time traveler from 200 years in the future. He tried to convince authorities of this, even telling them that for a lesser sentence he would divulge where Osama bin Laden was hiding, and how to find the cure for AIDS. Turns out there is no record of this guy ever being arrested in any law enforcement or government agency though – much to the chagrin of “Pancy Nelosi.”

A more legitimate news source than the New York Times or MSNBC.

The story actually came from the satirical newspaper “Weekly World News” – which, with the lax efforts of investigative journalism nowadays, would probably be seen as a hard-news publication if it was still in business. (Bat-boy is alive and real, you cannot convince me otherwise!)

There are other examples of supposed time-travelers, but you get the idea… they never work out in the end. But maybe we’ve not found real time travelers simply because we’re not looking in the right places?

A group of physicists thought that might be the case, and they had an idea. They decided to scour the Internet for signs that someone from the future had dropped time-traveler hints online. One of the male physicists apparently figured time-travelers would primarily frequent naughty-naughty websites… his results were not included for some reason. The rest of the physicists put on their Fedoras, started up the greatest hits of John Williams for ambiance, and started digging online like digital archaeologists.

“…and who is the Vice President? Jerry Lewis?!?!”

Their strategy? To search for specific, easily identifiable keywords that no one before a certain date could possibly have known about. Like looking for evidence of people referring to President Ronald Reagan before he ever got into politics – like what Marty McFly and Doc Brown discussed back in 1955…although the Internet wasn’t around back then, so that example doesn’t really work for our scenario. A time-traveler back then would’ve had to take out a newspaper ad or something. Hey; I’m not a physicist, or a time traveler, so lay off.

In case you hadn’t heard, the world did NOT end on this date.

The physicists eventually settled on searching for the words “Comet ISON” – which was discovered in 2012. They wrote in their report, “Histories of bright comets like Comet ISON are generally well kept by societies and journals around the world, indicating that Comet ISON might remain memorable well into the future.” Physicists are obviously not known for their creative writing skills. So… in other words, what they were saying is, if someone from the future had slipped up and mentioned “Comet ISON” before the year 2012, that’d be a dead giveaway the person could be a time-traveler. Yeah… but, “Comet ISON might remain memorable well into the future?” I don’t remember it – do you? Maybe this is more a Mandela Effect story than a Time Traveler story? All I remember from 2012 is the Mayan calendar predicting the end of the world. They obviously weren’t time-travelers either, because they were WRONG.

Back to our math-nerds… they also searched the same time period online for “Pope Francis” before Jorge Mario Bergoglio Ber-gogg-lio? Berjogleeoo? However you pronounce that… Hey; I’m not a Catholic, or an Italian, so lay off. Anyway, “Pope Francis” was the name that guy took upon himself when he became the head of the Catholic Church. That name would not have been known in 2012, as the new pope didn’t get pope-ified until early 2013.

So, armed with these keywords, they dove into the Internet’s abyss. They scoured forums, blog posts, tweets, the deep, dark corners of Reddit, the naughty-naughty sites… wait, sorry, we threw that physicist out, didn’t we? Anyway, the hours turned into days, and days turned into a frenzied blur of mouse clicks, carpel tunnel syndrome, and burned retinas.

Actual photo of what the physicists found for evidence of time-travel. Pretty impressive!

And what did our physicist friends find? Absolutely nothing. Nada. Zilch. No mentions of Comet ISON or Pope Francis before their respective debut dates. So does this mean time travel isn’t possible? Hmmm… not necessarily. Maybe time travelers are just really good at covering their tracks. Or perhaps searching the Internet for evidence of time travel is about as effective as searching for Atlantis in your backyard.

In their report the scientists concluded, “It may be physically impossible for us to find such information as that would violate some yet-unknown law of physics.” Followed immediately by a collective sigh and a shoulder shrug.

So, we still don’t have an answer about time-travel. But with all of this research, we can certainly hope the physicists have some groundbreaking methods for dealing with internet trolls… and possibly an explanation as to why YouTube keeps changing things that didn’t need changing. That goes for Facebook too. If you’re a time-traveler and have the answer to these questions, I’d like to know.

I’ll take a couple of stock tips too.

Sources: https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/379058/scientists-have-scoured-the-internet-for-evidence-of-time-travel; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_travel_claims_and_urban_legends

Video created by https://www.fiverr.com/vane875

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