“ARE SHADOW PEOPLE DEMONIC ENTITIES?” and More Freaky True Stories! #WeirdDarkness #Darkives

“ARE SHADOW PEOPLE DEMONIC ENTITIES?” and More Freaky True Stories! #WeirdDarkness #Darkives

“ARE SHADOW PEOPLE DEMONIC ENTITIES?” and More Freaky True Stories! #WeirdDarkness #Darkives

Listen to ““ARE SHADOW PEOPLE DEMONIC ENTITIES?” and More Freaky True Stories! #WeirdDarkness” on Spreaker.

IN THIS EPISODE: A college student’s roommate becomes darker and darker after befriending a witch – and then gets marked for death. (Dark Mass) *** If you were to drive from New York to Sacramento, California, it would take you close to 45-hours, non-stop.  If you were to fly? That strips off 40 of those hours – it’d only take you about five hours to fly from New York to California. But one person did it even faster than that… almost instantaneously.  (The Mysterious Case of the Teleporting Skier) *** A simple case of a man making angry threats at another man who had made a pass at his wife goes to court – and that’s when and where it gets really ugly, murderously so.  (Disorder In The Court) *** A man finds out that you don’t necessarily have to believe in ghosts in order to be terrified by them. (The Ghosts of Crosbie Towers) *** Reports are pouring in from all over the world with people claiming to have had an encounter with a Shadow Person. Benign shadows, malevolent shadows, shadows with glowing red eyes, hooded shadows, the infamous Hat Man… what are people seeing?  Can it be explained? (The Lurking Shadow People)

“Dark Mass” by Melissa Dietrich: http://www.weirddarkness.com/submit
“The Lurking Shadow People” by Jason Offutt: https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2012/03/the-lurking-shadow-people/
“The Mysterious Case of the Teleporting Skier” by Brent Swancer: https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2018/06/the-mysterious-case-of-the-teleporting-skier/
“Disorder In The Court” by Robert Wilhelm: http://www.murderbygaslight.com/2018/09/disorder-in-court.html
“The Ghosts of Crosbie Towers” by Michael McKean: https://www.myhauntedlifetoo.com/2018/09/10/the-ghosts-of-crosbie-towers/
Weird Darkness theme by Alibi Music Library
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“I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.” — John 12:46
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Originally aired: October 05, 2018

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