“Unusual Techniques of Notorious Killers” and More Terrifying True Horror Stories! #WeirdDarkness

“Unusual Techniques of Notorious Killers” and More Terrifying True Horror Stories! #WeirdDarkness

“Unusual Techniques of Notorious Killers” and More Terrifying True Horror Stories! #WeirdDarkness

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IN THIS EPISODE: We have all been guilty of wishing we had more money coming in. Some people go out and get a second job. Others look at what they have to sell online, or look at what skills they have to offer to the public that they could charge money for. Or you can go the route of Georgia Tann – her entrepreneurial spirit brought her millions of dollars. And it was a simple idea. Steal other people’s children, and then sell them! (How To Get Rich By Stealing and Selling Children) *** We’ll look at some historic serial murderers and the strange and unusual ways they killed their victims. (Strange Predilections in Murder Methods) *** When it comes to planning the burial of someone, it’s always best to to keep in mind that whomever is watching how you treat the deceased might be in charge of deciding what happens to you when you die. Sadly, one undertaker, Millard F. Rodgers, apparently forgot about the golden rule – and committed gruesome acts against families. (Six Children, One Grave) *** Residents in the town of Blakeney are reporting something horrifying prowling around the neighborhood and backyards… something they describe as a devil dog… a hell hound… a black shuck. (The Black Shuck of Blakeney)

CHAPTERS & TIME STAMPS (All Times Approximate)…
00:00:00.000 = Disclaimer and Show Open
00:02:37.449 = Strange Predilections in Murder Methods
00:17:07.667 = How To Get Rich By Stealing And Selling Children
00:32:57.699 = Six Children, One Grave
00:39:06.735 = The Black Shuck of Blakeney
00:45:47.713 = Show Close

“Strange Predilections in Murder Methods” by Carissa Chesanek for Ranker’s Unspeakable Times:https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/zy3t5c5j
“Six Children, One Grave” by Chris Woodyard for The Victorian Book of the Dead website: https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/w62bu858
“How To Get Rich By Stealing and Selling Children” by Noelle Talmon for Weird History: https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/jcenv8y5
“The Black Shuck of Blakeney” by Stacia Briggs and Siofra Connor for Eastern Daily Press: https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/24wtnfwe
Weird Darkness theme by Alibi Music Library.
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Originally aired: April 21, 2021

CUSTOM LANDING PAGE: https://weirddarkness.com/UnusualMurderTechniques

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