Visiting Our Next Door Neighbors In a Parallel Universe

Visiting Our Next Door Neighbors In a Parallel Universe

Visiting Our Next Door Neighbors In a Parallel Universe

What if every choice you’ve ever made created a new universe—one where you picked a different path, wore a different outfit, or even lived in a world where dogs could talk? Would you want to visit?

We can trust Mulder – he knows the truth is out there.

Ever wondered whether there are other universes out there, some like ours but a little different? Maybe there’s an alternate universe where you wore a different outfit this morning, or one where dogs speak! Though these concepts may sound pulled from a sci-fi film, scientists do have actual theories regarding parallel universes. Or if we can visit them.
There are two main types of parallel universes scientists think might exist.
The first version, take the case when the universe was massively young – and we’re referring to the very start of everything. They theorize that lots of other universes, each with its own set of scientific and natural rules and laws, could have formed and expanded at the same time. The catch? These universes are far away — so far we can’t see ’em, and they’re moving away from us faster than the speed of light.
The second type of parallel universe is based on something called quantum mechanics. That’s a fancy way of saying that very small things in our universe (like atoms) occasionally do things randomly. According to scientists, every time a random event occurs, the universe itself branches into a set of other different universes — one for each possible outcome from that one random event. It’s the same way as if you flip a coin, one universe gets heads and another tails. If you have a decision that could have several options to choose from, then a universe for each one of those options is created no matter which option you choose for your own universe.
H G Wells GIFs - Find & Share on GIPHYWhat if you could visit on these branch-universes? Some scientists believe we could do exactly that — if only we could construct a time machine. Rather than simply traveling backward in time in our own universe (which could lead to all sorts of trouble), we might travel back into the past of a parallel universe.  Although I would think that would lead to all sorts of trouble for that universe, but I guess we don’t care about that?
I’ll explain.  If you traveled back in time and changed something big in history, you wouldn’t actually be changing your own past if you’re doing so in a parallel universe. Instead, you’d be in an alternate dimension in which that change had always occurred in their minds – it would just be part of their recognized and accepted history. When you head back to the future, to your own universe that is, you’ll find nothing has changed for your own reality.
Whether you accept the morality of that or not, there are definitely challenges to making it happen.
We don’t know how to build a time machine. Scientists have attempted to solve it with complex math and physics, but they keep hitting roadblocks.
We do not know yet exactly how a journey to another universe would work, even if we could build one. Is a new universe born every time we travel into the past? Or would we leap to one that already exists?
Others say that changing the past in any way, even in a separate universe, might be impossible. Others believe it could be possible, but it would violate some really big-time rules about how the universe operates.
If we ever do build a time machine testing whether we can visit parallel universes would be quite straightforward. All we would have to do is go back in time and attempt to alter whatever we can recall taking place. If we cannot change it despite trying, then we know we have only one timeline that is immutable. But if we can change things, then we would know parallel universes are real!
So far, traveling to parallel universes is only a notion. So scientists can’t say whether it’s possible or impossible – or even if parallel universes actually exist.  For now, our past appears set, and our universe is the only one we’ll spend time in.

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