“HE WOKE UP DEAD!” | 11 Dark or Paranormal #RetroRadio Stories! EP0276 #WeirdDarkness

“HE WOKE UP DEAD!” | 11 Dark or Paranormal #RetroRadio Stories! EP0276 #WeirdDarkness

“HE WOKE UP DEAD!” | 11 Dark or Paranormal #RetroRadio Stories! EP0276 #WeirdDarkness

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Listen to ““HE WOKE UP DEAD!” | 11 Dark or Paranormal #RetroRadio Stories! EP0276 #WeirdDarkness” on Spreaker.
CHAPTERS & TIME STAMPS (All Times Approximate)…
00:00:00.000 = Show Open
00:01:56.000 = CBS Radio Mystery Theater, “Come Back With Me” (July 02, 1975)
00:48:08.149 = Diary of Fate, “Victor Wakeman” (June 29, 1948) ***WD
01:16:23.629 = Dimension X, “The Roads Must Roll” (September 01, 1950) ***WD
01:47:57.909 = Doc Savage, “The Deadly Treasure” (December 23, 1985)
02:12:35.599 = The Strange Dr. Weird, “He Woke Up Dead” (March 27, 1945)
02:25:02.009 = Eleventh Hour, “Cast a Giant Shadow” (ADU) ***WD
02:48:51.539 = Escape, “Back For Christmas” (December 24, 1947)
03:18:26.899 = Murder By Experts, “Two Coffins To Fill” (July 04, 1949)
03:48:07.559 = Exploring Tomorrow, “Adventure of the Beauty Queen” (June 25, 1958) ***WD
04:07:56.689 = BBC Fear on 4, “By The River, Fontainebleau” (ADU)
04:37:38.759 = Five After The Hour, “Song of the River” (June 06, 1945)
05:01:39.684 = Show Close

(ADU) = Air Date Unknown
(LQ) = Low Quality
***WD = Remastered, edited, or cleaned up by Weird Darkness to make the episode listenable. Audio may not be pristine, but it will be better than the original file which may have been unusable or more difficult to hear without editing.
Weird Darkness theme by Alibi Music Library
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“I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.” — John 12:46
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CUSTOM WEBPAGE: https://weirddarkness.com/WDRR0276

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