#RetroRadio “HAUNTED ASYLUMS” and more Creepy True Stories! #WeirdDarkness
Listen to “#RetroRadio “HAUNTED ASYLUMS” and more Creepy True Stories! #WeirdDarkness” on Spreaker.
IN THIS EPISODE: A man calling himself Roland T. Owen checked into room 1046 of the Hotel President in Kansas City, Missouri, on January 2, 1935. In just two days’ time, he would be dead. But no one knows who killed him, and it has become one of history’s most popular mysteries – The Mystery of Room 1046. (The Mystery of Room 1046) *** Ghosts are spooky – but zombies are even worse. But what if you came across a ghost zombie? That’s exactly the terror Scandinavian Vikings had to deal with! (Ghost Zombie of the Vikings) *** Can you raise someone in a way to create a phobia within them? Sure, that would be cruel and inhumane to do – but is it possible? That’s what a couple of behaviorists wanted to find out… and so they went about studying on it by experimenting on a tiny child. (The Little Albert Experiment) *** Did a woman accidentally kill her husband because of a Bugs Bunny cartoon… or was it murder? It’s the bizarre case of Linda Duffey Gwozdz. (The Looney Tunes Murderess) *** “The voice sounded close, yet at the same time, so far away. It was the most pitiful and horrifying cry I had ever heard.” That’s how a seasoned paranormal investigator described what they heard in an abandoned asylum. (A Ghost Encounter In a Forsaken Asylum) *** We’ll also take a look at a few asylums that are said to be so creepy, so haunted, that you would never want to be locked in there – day or night. (Five Haunted Asylums) *** If you’re a fan of the movie “Ferris Bueler’s Day Off” you might remember the “Sausage King of Chicago” scene. That person was fictional of course, and the title was played for laughs. But have you ever heard of the Sausage Ghost of Chicago? That too may sound like it was made-up for laughs – but no, the Sausage Ghost of Chicago is a story that is all too true. (The Sausage Ghost of Chicago)
00:00:00.000 = Show Open
00:03:20.455 = Lux Radio Theater, “The Big Clock” (November 22, 1948)
01:03:57.218 = Weird Darkness, “Mystery in Room 1046”
01:17:57.698 = Macabre, “The Final Resting Place” (November 13, 1961)
01:47:58.370 = Weird Darkness, “Tasmania’s Haunted Separate Prison”
01:54:53.976 = Mystery In The Air, “The Marvelous Barastro” (August 07, 1947)
02:25:25.919 = Weird Darkness, “Ghost Zombies of the Vikings”
02:31:34.776 = Weird Darkness, “The Little Albert Experiment, Part 1”
02:37:05.550 = Molle Mystery Theater, “Homicide For Hannah” (December 28, 1943)
03:06:35.772 = Weird Darkness, “The Little Albert Experiment, Part 2”
03:12:16.245 = Weird Darkness, “The Looney Tunes Murderess, Part 1”
03:16:17.597 = Murder At Midnight, “Mark of Cain” (September 06. 1046)
03:43:11.909 = Weird Darkness, “The Looney Tunes Murderess, Part 2”
03:53:16.451 = The Mysterious Traveler, “The Visiting Corpse” (January 09, 1944)
04:23:22.332 = Weird Darkness, “A Ghost Encounter In a Forsaken Asylum”
04:30:13.025 = Obsession, “A Question of Personality” (Air Date Unknown)
04:53:27.924 = Weird Darkness, “Five Haunted Insane Asylums” / “Sausage Ghost of Chicago, Part 1”
05:03:26.168 = Origin of Supertition, “Three On A Match” (Air Date Unknown)
05:18:59.144 = Weird Darkness, “Sausage Ghost of Chicago, Part 2”
05:30:41.351 = Sherlock Holmes, “The Empty House” (October 05, 1932)
05:45:26.226 = Show Close
“Tasmania’s Haunted Separate Prison” by Orrin Grey for The Line Up: https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/6fru6th6
“Ghost Zombie of the Vikings” from The Scare Chamber: https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/rp5d8jnh,https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/zd38jtbf
“The Little Albert Experiment” by Jacob Shelton for Unspeakable Times: https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/bzevawfz
“The Looney Tunes Murderess” by Patrick Thornton for Ranker: https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/3bre8eaz
“A Ghost Encounter In a Forsaken Asylum” by John D. Mimms for The Line Up: https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/y2e7b4a7 (EVP audio by John Mimms: https://youtu.be/6sQiWC-yKoU)
“Five Insane Asylums” by Aubrey Webster for The Line Up: https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/33r7r86c
“The Sausage Ghost of Chicago” from The Scare Chamber: https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/56hjnk9e,https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/49z6k22p
“The Mystery of Room 1046” by Orrin Grey for Unspeakable Times: https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/cxu2zhp9
Weird Darkness theme by Alibi Music Library.
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(Over time links seen above may become invalid, disappear, or have different content. I always make sure to give authors credit for the material I use whenever possible. If I somehow overlooked doing so for a story, or if a credit is incorrect, please let me know and I will rectify it in these show notes immediately. Some links included above may benefit me financially through qualifying purchases.)
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“I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.” — John 12:46
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Originally aired: June 13, 2024
RETRO RADIO LANDING PAGE: https://weirddarkness.com/wdrr20240613
Views: 19