Old-Time Radio Marathon: “A Canticle for Leibowitz: A Radio Sci Fi Drama” #RetroRadio #WeirdDarkness

Old-Time Radio Marathon: “A Canticle for Leibowitz: A Radio Sci Fi Drama” #RetroRadio #WeirdDarkness

Old-Time Radio Marathon: “A Canticle for Leibowitz: A Radio Sci Fi Drama” #RetroRadio #WeirdDarkness

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CHAPTERS & TIME STAMPS (All Times Approximate). All episodes aired in October, 1980.
00:00:00.000 = Show Open
00:04:05.639 = CHAPTER 01: “500 Years After, part 1: Sainthood for Leibowitz” – Brother Francis discovers an ancient fallout shelter.
00:31:04.405 = CHAPTER 02: “500 Years After, part 2” – Relics found the shelter appear to be in the handwriting of the beatus Liebowitz himself but Brother Francis fails to convince others they are real.
00:58:42.626 = CHAPTER 03: “500 Years After, part 3” – Brother Francis is not allowed to take his vows. Did he really see Liebowitz himself?
01:23:18.689 = CHAPTER 04: “500 Years After, part 4” – The Canonization of Saint Liebowitz and a trip to New Rome planned for Brother Francis.

01:51:06.416 = CHAPTER 05: “1100 Years After: A Rise in Nationalism, part 1” – An audience with the Pope and the strange death of Brother Francis.
02:19:18.094 = CHAPTER 06: “1100 Years After, part 2” – A new era of learning and an unwitting pawn in the struggle of the uses of knowledge.
02:45:41.401 = CHAPTER 07: “1100 Years After, part 3” – The re-invention of the electric light and an enlightened emissary from the King.
03:11:47.080 = CHAPTER 08: “1100 Years After, part 4” – The arrival of Don Tedeo and the last Jew in the world. Is war to come?
03:39:44.269 = CHAPTER 09: “1100 Years After, part 5” – Don Tedeo explores the memorabilia of the Monastery, while his soldiers makes notes of the Monastery’s fortifications.
04:06:35.090 = CHAPTER 10: “1100 Years After, part 6” – Don Tedeo’s vision of the future. An unexpected visit by Benjamin, the old Jew of the Mesa.
04:31:59.131 = CHAPTER 11: “1100 Years After, part 7” – The coming of a dark age as war seems imminent, and Abbot Paolo passes from the scene.

04:57:51.221 = CHAPTER 12: “1800 Years After: The Coming War, part 1” – As nuclear war nears, the Abby plans an interstellar    voyage of preservation.
05:21:55.927 = CHAPTER 13: “1800 Years After, part 2” – A new Exodus begins as war once again comes to Earth.
05:49:13.169 = CHAPTER 14: “1800 Years After, part 3” – The Death Camps of the Green Star, anathema for a Priest.
06:15:33.531 = CHAPTER 15: “1800 Years After, part 4” – The fire comes again, and the strange birth of Rachel.

Weird Darkness theme by Alibi Music Library
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Originally aired: July 14, 2024

CUSTOM WEBPAGE: https://weirddarkness.com/WDRR20240714

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