When The Sky Falls: Evidence Left Behind By UFOs

When The Sky Falls: Evidence Left Behind By UFOs

When The Sky Falls: Evidence Left Behind By UFOs

Ever wonder what UFOs leave behind? Let’s check out some of the weirdest, most mysterious artifacts that have puzzled scientists for decades.

(As heard in the Weird Darkness episode, ALIEN ARTIFACTS: PHYSICAL EVIDENCE LEFT BY UFOS.)

All through history, folks have gazed into the sky and perceived things they weren’t able to explain. Most UFO sightings, it goes without saying, are merely lights or objects in the distance, and a signature of Milsom’s work is using aerial surveillance methods to get further context on these distant, ephemeral objects, which might be a natural phenomenon or man-made, like a satellite, etc. In these exceptional cases, witnesses claim to have discovered real physical artifacts from these unknown aircraft. These discoveries have occurred across the globe, indicating that if these mysterious tourists are real, they have been visiting Earth for decades.

First, before we get into specifics, we should note what scientists mean when they discuss UFO artifacts. They are physical objects that witnesses allege were taken from unidentified flying objects. They can be metal objects, odd and exotic stones, strange liquids or other stuff you usually wouldn’t come across on Earth. When scientists analyze these candidates, they begin exploring what makes them different, including:

– Materials that are so pure or mixed in ways we don’t usually use

– Unusual properties that are unlike known materials

– Manifestations of exposure to exceptionally high temperatures

– Abnormal shapes or patterns indicating artifice

– Unusual or novel chemical compositions

Though most of these objects would eventually be shown to have normal explanations, a few remained mysterious even after detailed study. Now, let us discover some of the more fascinating cases of UFO archaeo-astronautics (I learned a big word today!) from across the globe.

One of the first and best documented cases occurred in 1956 in Sweden. Stig Ekberg and Harry Sjoberg were working on a house on the Isle of Vaddo on a cold November night. They are unaware that what they are about to witness will make scientific history.

Around 10 p.m., as they were driving on the island, they saw something strange in the sky. What they saw was unlike any aircraft familiar to them. They had described it as a “flattened sphere” roughly 25 feet across and 10 feet high. What was especially interesting about the sighting was how close it got to them.

It flew over their truck at a height of only 300 feet. As it got close, something very strange happened — their truck’s headlights went out and the engine completely stopped running. This type of electrical interference is something many people have experienced during UFO contact.

The mysterious craft then did something even more unexpected. It descends to the side of the road, hovering a few feet above the ground, almost 300 feet away from their truck. It was so bright, Ekberg would say later, that the whole area was illuminated, the buildings in the distance visible in the darkness. They also noticed a weird odor, describing it as a mix of ozone (like the air after a lightning storm) and burning electrical insulation.

The two men gazed in disbelief for around ten minutes. Then the object’s light got even brighter, and it sped away into the distance at incredible speed. Suddenly it left and their truck worked again, as if nothing happened.

Most UFO tales would stop right there, but what sets this case apart is what the men discovered next. When they walked to where the object had been hovering, they found not one, but two things: the grass was matted-flat in a perfect circle and in the middle of this circle of flattened grass was a shiny three-sided piece of metal about the size of a matchbox. When it was lifted off the ground, it was still hot to the touch, and it had a surprising heft for its size.

Later, scientists at the SAAB airline company studied the piece of metal. They determined that it was made from tungsten carbide and cobalt, materials that were widely used for industrial applications back then. This led to a curious question: did this mean that the object was not from another world, or do creatures from other worlds just have some common parts with us?

But in September 1957 the drama on a beach in Brazil unfolded with even more flair. As a journalist named Ibrahim Sued reports it, a mysterious letter came with an amazing story. The anonymous letter writer claimed they had observed a disc-shaped UFO soaring across Ubatuba Beach in the province of SĂŁo Paulo. The object then suddenly exploded, according to the letter, and pieces of white metal showered down to the beach.

So the witness picked up several pieces of this metal and sent three of them to the journalist.

Now, here’s where it gets interesting. The particles were analyzed by scientists at the Mineral Production Laboratory, and they were stunned by the findings — they came from a super-pure magnesium source.

What was so remarkable about this finding was how pure the magnesium was. They said it would be virtually impossible on Earth, with the technology available at the time, to produce magnesium of that purity. This led some researchers to propose that the metal pieces could have actually originated elsewhere.

But there are a few issues with this case. The letter claimed multiple witnesses saw the UFO blow up but no one knows who penned the letter or who else witnessed the incident. We don’t even know precisely what day it occurred. As for the missing details, they have irritated, not helped, scientists in fully verifying the tale, even as the metal morsels themselves remain unexplainable.

On a summer evening in August in 1964, a 30-year-old man named Raimo Blomqvist was visiting his parents’ summer cottage near Lake Kallavesi in Finland. It was about 7 PM when he saw a sight that would baffle scientists for decades to come.

Blomqvist initially saw an odd, colorful ball of light appear under the clouds. As he watched, he realized it was actually an oval-shaped object. The UFO then hovered over the surface of the lake, and then something amazing happened — Blomqvist claimed to have seen an object fall from it, onto the shallow water. He heard a crackling hissing noise, like hot metal plunging into water. After the UFO dropped this object, it glowed very bright and ascended into the clouds, vanishing in just a couple of seconds.

Curious about what had plunged into the lake, Blomqvist waded into the shallow water. What he found appeared to be a stone, but was far from an ordinary rock. It was four centimeters long and had five separate layers. What makes this case especially intriguing is that Blomqvist didn’t promptly go public with his find. For more than a decade, he said nothing about it to UFO investigators, and then gave them the stone for scientific analysis.

The scientists who examined the stone discovered an unusual combination of metals: copper, zinc, magnesium, manganese, zirconium, vanadium and titanium. And even more surprisingly, they found the stone had been subjected to temperatures around 800 degrees Celsius (1,472 degrees Fahrenheit) over an extended period of time.

Some theorists proposed the stone may have originated from an iron mill, as similar material is used in industrial processes. But other scientists said although there were similarities, the stone didn’t match any known industrial byproducts.

In California, in the summer of 1972, one of the most bizarre of UFO artifacts cases occurred. Tom McCully was on a quiet early morning fishing trip in the Sierra Mountains just outside of the Stanislaus River when his mundane morning turned extraordinary.

In the wee hours, McCully spotted a psychedelic gleam on the water. At first, he wondered whether the image could be a reflection coming from a local forest fire, but he could not smell smoke and heard no crackling typical of a fire. Then suddenly, there was a bright flash of light, and it sounded almost as if hailstones were crashing all around him.

Terrified by this strange encounter, McCully began to pack his fishing gear. That was when he saw something that looked like a gold nugget on the ground. He grabbed it and slipped it into his shirt pocket. Before he left, he spotted other things out of place — the trees around him had pockmarks that looked like bullet holes.

When McCully returned home, he wanted to show the gold nugget to his wife, but noticed it had slipped from his pocket. Convinced he’d gone crazy, and having no other evidence of his bizarre experience, he chose to keep the story to himself. Weeks later, packing for a different camping trip, he discovered the “gold nugget” wrapped up in his sleeping bag.

When he learned that Dr. Allen Hynek, a noted UFO researcher, was offering a $50,000 bounty for physical evidence of UFO phenomena, McCully arranged for the object to be tested. The results were baffling. And what appeared to be a gold nugget was, in fact, 99.4 percent iron. But this was not normal iron — it possessed two very peculiar properties. First, it wasn’t magnetic — which is very unusual for iron. Second, it didn’t trigger any metal detectors, which shouldn’t be possible for something so large and metallic.

The scientists gauged the object’s potential and were intrigued. Dennis Hauck of the UFO Registry called the results “silly” because an object with these properties “can’t even exist.” This curious piece of metal even piqued NASA’s interest.

One of the most convoluted cases of UFO artifacts started in early 1979 in Finland. It spanned multiple witnesses, odd craters, strange liquids and repeated UFO sightings over a period of weeks.

The events started on Feb. 2, when Reijo Kolehmainen noticed something strange outside his home — a crater roughly eight feet wide in the freshly fallen snow. At the bottom of the crater sat some odd red liquid that stunk of vinegar, a few scraps of metal and what appeared to be a metal cup. Kolehmainen called the police, who photographed and collected samples.

Then three nights later, the family heard a strange shooting noise. The next day they discovered another crater, even larger than the first, also filled with red liquid and fragments of metal. The police theorized that someone might be tossing homemade bombs, but the family felt that explanation didn’t add up.

On February 21, they found three more craters, and these also held the same red liquid and debris. They also observed something unusual – the electric wires strung above the holes were free of snow, although all other power cables were snow-covered.

A stranger part of the story happened when their friend Jarmo Nykanen came to house-sit in March. Nykanen himself had a history with UFOs, having seen some strange lights and experienced some unusual phenomena in 1973 at his summer cottage.

On March 10, Nykanen was walking around the property when he noticed a flash of light through some nearby woods. Then a bell-shaped object appeared, blue on top, red on the bottom. His camera flash also wouldn’t work when he attempted to take photos. When he turned on his flashlight and moved closer to the object, it began to rise a little bit and flew right up into the sky.

This showed that the craters were forming a triangle, whose top-point seemed to point towards his cottage and it was an interesting discovery for Nykanen. A few days later, he saw the bell-shaped object again, and he managed to snap several photographs. As he attempted to move closer, he stumbled; the object emitted a brilliant red beam that struck his face, momentarily blinding him.

After hiding among some trees and keeping an eye on the object for a bit, he watched it lift into the air, trail red smoke and then vanish in a bright flash. When he traversed the area where it had been flying over, he discovered the same curious red liquid and pieces of metal that had been found in the craters.

These tales of UFO residuals leave a lot of thought-provoking questions. If these objects actually originated from ships from another world, why did they get left behind? Some scientists believe they could resemble the trash human beings leave behind when we explore space, such as the equipment and garbage we’ve left on the Moon and Mars. Some others wonder whether some of these objects could have been left intentionally, even to be discovered.

Scientists are still investigating, and the world is still looking to the skies – everyone is hoping to find answers somewhere.

https://www.ufoevidence.org/cases/case829.htm, https://www.vice.com/en/article/stanford-professor-garry-nolan-analyzing-anomalous-materials-from-ufo-crashes, https://www.ufoevidence.org/topics/PhysicalEvidence.htm, https://brobible.com/culture/article/pentagon-report-analysis-roswell-ufo-crash-debris, https://listverse.com/2015/05/20/10-ufos-that-allegedly-left-physical-evidence-behind

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