“Have Yourself Committed” by Bryan Duncan
Nowadays, Bryan D. is still entertaining not only through his music, but through his hilarious podcast, “Nutshell Sermons” which I am a huge fan of. I’ve became a fan of Bryan ever since I gave my life to Christ at one of his concerts back in 1989 – and I remained a fan due to his incredible vocals and quirky sense of humor that makes its way even into the music he composes. I was nostalgic for this particular album when Bryan began talking about it in his podcast, and I was reminded how great of an album it is. It is verrrrrry 80s, but as a Gen-X’r I love every second of it. If you want to hear the real wild-man Bryan Duncan though, give a listen to this album, “Anonymous Confessions of a Lunatic Friend“. And get music he has never released by listening to his podcast or find it on the Nutshell Sermons website. #NotSponsoredJustAFan
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