- In order to help compensate for item #2 in this post, and still give value to my Patreon supporters, beginning in October, the two weekend archive episodes of Weird Darkness will be available to Patrons only. However, the normal weekday new-content episodes will still be uploaded for all to hear and will remain FREE. This schedule/access change does not change the price of becoming or remaining a patron. It pertains to the lowest level of patronage at only $5 per month which includes seven commercial-free versions of Weird Darkness every week.
- Many patrons who enjoy the chapters of audiobooks that I narrate and upload – you may be affected beginning in October. In dealing with authors and publishers, some are uncomfortable with “giving away” something that will eventually be for sale. I may have very few people actually taking advantage of this aspect of being a patron, but I kinda see their point. So the compromise is to show them that the audiobook chapters are a more exclusive offer (i.e. smaller audience) so they won’t feel they are losing too many sales. So beginning in October, audiobook chapters that I narrate and upload will only be available to patrons at the $10/mo or higher levels.
I hope you, my Weirdo family, understand why changes need to be made sometimes. If you have any questions, feel free to drop me a note via email, Facebook, or snail mail. You can find that information on the CONTACT page of this website. Thanks to all of you for continuing to support what I do through your repeated listening, sharing, commenting, and reviewing of the podcast. It truly does mean the world to me! — Darren Marlar (creator/host, “Weird Darkness”)
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