Darren Marlar and Cindy Swanson on 101QFL (WQFL-FM) – “Marlar In The Morning”

Image result for marlar in the morningFrom 2004 to 2009 I had the privilege of hosting “Marlar in the Morning” in Rockford, Illinois on 100.9FM-WQFL.  With my amazingly talented partner, Cindy Swanson, I think this is the best work of my radio career.  Sadly, I just learned that Cindy passed away yesterday of cancer.  My heart is in my throat.  A part of me will always love Cindy – not just as a partner in radio, but her smile, laugh, and personality always brought joy into a room.  We will miss you here on Earth, Cindy… but that golden voice of yours is now singing with the angels, where it belongs.

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