Darren Marlar is a guest on the Hillbilly Horror Stories Podcast!

Darren Marlar is a guest on the Hillbilly Horror Stories Podcast!

Darren Marlar is a guest on the Hillbilly Horror Stories Podcast!

Jerry at the Hillbilly Horror Stories podcast invited me to be on his show as a guest, answering a few questions he had, talking about my own podcast, and pretty much just shooting the breeze.  We also got a bit personal when he asked what my favorite episodes of Weird Darkness were, which I was not prepared for – and even I was surprised by my answer. After listening to the episode below, be sure to check out their podcast here: https://www.hillbillyhorrorstories.com.  Jerry and Tracy bring the spooks in a unique and fun way, like the friends and neighbors you always wish you had!

Views: 124