#ListenerTerrors, VOLUME 02: “THE DOOR” and “SONIC EXE” #MicroTerrors
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“Micro Terrors: Scary Stories for Kids”™ 2023
SHOW OPEN: This is a special Listener Terrors episode, with stories sent in by you, our Micro Terror listeners! Send in your own story at MicroTerrors.com! Welcome to Micro Terrors: Scary Stories for Kids, where it’s always the spooky season – full of chills, thrills, and spine-tingling spooks! Micro Terrors are family-friendly frights for those ages 8 and up. And while our stories are for younger ears, we are still talking about things that go bump in the night, and some children may not be able to handle what others can. Parental consent is recommended. Now… for tonight’s MICRO TERROR!!!!
STORY #1: THE DOOR – by Tyler Blythe, age 9
After school, Tyler went to his friend, James’, house to help with a school project. They were working on the project when James went to use the bathroom.
After about 10 minutes, James hadn’t come out. Tyler knocked on the bathroom door to check on him. He did not respond. Tyler opened the door but didn’t see James. Tyler checked behind the shower curtain but he wasn’t in the tub. Suddenly the door slammed shut and locked Tyler in. He couldn’t open the door. The room shook, and when Tyler peaked out at the bottom of the door, he saw grass and dirt.
Tyler opened the door to see his town in ruins. Suddenly, he saw a human-like figure with elongated limbs. It looked like something out of a horror movie and had its back turned to him.
When Tyler stepped forward, a twig snapped beneath him and alerted the monster to his presence. The monster turned to Tyler with gaping wide eyes. The mouth was opened wide and inside was only darkness. It made a loud shriek and leapt at Tyler.
Before it reached Tyler, he woke up. It was just a nightmare.
But then…
…in his room…
…the monster shrieked.
STORY #2: SONIC .E.X.E. by Auggie, age 7
Sonic E.X.E. has turned Green Hill Zone into Blood Hill Zone. He wants to destroy things. Sonic E.X.E. and Tails are both there. Everyone was hiding from Sonic E.X.E. because they didn’t want to turn into E.X.E. versions of themselves.
Meanwhile, Tails ran behind a palm tree and hid. Tails felt scared. Sonic found him, and Tails screamed “AHHHHHH.” Sonic kills him. He has now tasted blood.
In the end, Tails is now an E.X.E. He is missing his tails and arm. The skin where they were is ragged.
“Now Tails,” Sonic E.X.E. said, “let’s go EAT more people!”
SHOW CLOSE: This has been a special Listener Terrors episode, with stories sent in by you, our Micro Terror listeners! Thank you for listening to Micro Terrors!!! Join us each Saturday for another scary story! For more fun, visit our website at MicroTerrors.com where we also have spooky games you can print out and play — like wicked word searches, mysterious mazes, and more! MicroTerrors.com is also where you can find us on your favorite social media and even send in your own scary story for us to tell! Plus, you’ll learn more about our author, Scott Donnelly, who has other horrors for both young and old! I hope you’ll join me again soon for Micro Terrors: Scary Stories for Kids!
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