My Own Paranormal Experiences – And The Most Scandalous Thing That Ever Happened To Me!

My Own Paranormal Experiences – And The Most Scandalous Thing That Ever Happened To Me!

My Own Paranormal Experiences – And The Most Scandalous Thing That Ever Happened To Me!

I’ve had many people ask me to share my own personal paranormal experiences.  While I’ve touched on them briefly in Weird Darkness, I’ve not really gone in-depth.  But my friend Keith Conrad pulled the stories out of me.  Keith asked me to be a guest on his show, The Greatest Story Ever Podcast, and it didn’t take long before he asked me to share my own personal paranormal experiences.  Not only do I open up about that, but I also touch on some paranormal stuff in my family.  I also share the most outrageous thing that happened to me during my radio career.  Be sure to subscribe to The Greatest Story Ever Podcast; you’ll love the conversations Keith has with his guests.  His is the only “interview” type podcast I subscribe to because other hosts can’t keep my interest.

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