(VIDEO) “The Case Of The Acid Bath Murders” #MurderNoir

(VIDEO) “The Case Of The Acid Bath Murders” #MurderNoir

“The Case Of The Acid Bath Murders” #MurderNoir

 Listen to ““The Case Of The Acid Bath Murders” #MurderNoir” on Spreaker.

THE TRUE CASE THIS STORY IS BASED ON: Red wine, ice cream, and a warm bath are usually ways to unwind after a long day, but in the twisted mind of John George Haigh, they became tools of terror. Born in 1909 in Yorkshire, England, Haigh was raised in a strict, ultra-religious household. His early years were marked by loneliness and nightmares, which foreshadowed his later descent into crime. After a failed marriage and several stints in jail for fraud, Haigh devised a gruesome method to dispose of his victims: sulfuric acid baths. His first known victim was his former employer, William McSwan, whom Haigh murdered and dissolved in acid. He then turned to McSwan’s parents, eliminating them in the same manner to gain access to their wealth. Haigh continued his deadly spree, targeting wealthy acquaintances like Dr. Archibald Henderson and his wife, Rose, in 1948. His final victim, Olive Durand-Deacon, a wealthy widow, led to his downfall when detectives linked her disappearance to Haigh. Investigators found incriminating evidence in his workshop, including remains that survived the acid baths. Despite Haigh’s claims of insanity driven by recurring nightmares, the court found him guilty on all counts. In August 1949, Haigh, known as the Acid Bath Murderer, was executed, his dark imagination and horrific crimes coming to a fitting end.

Steven Casale, The-Line-Up.com: https://the-line-up.com/acid-bath-murderer-john-haigh
Video created by https://www.fiverr.com/vane875
Murder Noir music provided by Alibi Music Library.
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Originally aired: June 11, 2024

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