The Vanishing Trick-or-Treater Case #MurderNoir
THE TRUE CASE THIS EPISODE IS BASED ON: On Halloween night 1981, 11-year-old Karl Heikell went out for a walk in his hometown of Calumet, Michigan and never returned home. Despite searches, no trace of Karl was found and there were various unconfirmed sightings of him around town in the following weeks. 11 months later in October 1982, a hunter found torn clothing and skeletal remains in a wooded area near an old mine. The remains were identified as Karl based on the clothing. 40 years later, a local librarian named Dillon Geshel became interested in the cold case and has been compiling information to try to uncover what happened to Karl that Halloween night. Police looked into a couple persons of interest at the time, including a friend of Karl’s who died by suicide not long after Karl went missing, but no strong evidence pointed to their involvement. Karl’s family is still hoping for answers after all these years to finally get some closure, especially for Karl’s elderly mother. A detective newly assigned to the case says he has collected some new leads and believes the case is no longer cold.
NBC News,
Murder Noir music provided by Alibi Music Library.
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Originally aired: June 06, 2024
Views: 12