“THE DEMONS OF 11E HUNTERS CRESCENT” and MORE Terrifying True Stories! #WeirdDarkness

THE DEMONS OF 11E HUNTERS CRESCENT” and MORE Terrifying True Stories! #WeirdDarkness

IN THIS EPISODE: It’s an episode of 100-percent stories from Weirdo family members like you! If you have a true scary, bizarre, or dark story to tell about something that happened to you or someone you know, you can send it to me by visiting the Tell Your Story page at WeirdDarkness.com.
Listen to ““THE DEMONS OF 11E HUNTERS CRESCENT” and MORE Terrifying True Stories! #WeirdDarkness” on Spreaker.

(Dark Archives episode from January 24, 2020)
“Who Goes There” by Kristina Hale
“Unexplained Sighting at RAF Base” by Scott McCallum (https://www.facebook.com/scott.joseph.mccallum)
“The Recurring Nightmare of my Dad” 
by Freddy
“The Demons of 11E Hunter’s Crescent” by Graham Sillars
“The Sevens” by DeeDee Lee
“Zeth’s Phantom Friends” by Wolfe
“Forest Perv” by Ava Temple
“One Minute UFO” by Jon G.
“Psychic Teenager” by Kess Ronan
Subscribe to the podcast by searching for Weird Darkness wherever you listen to podcasts – or use this RSS feed link:https://www.spreaker.com/show/3655291/episodes/feed.
Weird Darkness theme by Alibi Music Library. Background music provided by Alibi Music, EpidemicSound and/or AudioBlocks with paid license. Music from Shadows Symphony (https://tinyurl.com/yyrv987t), Midnight Syndicate (http://amzn.to/2BYCoXZ), Kevin MacLeod (https://tinyurl.com/y2v7fgbu), Tony Longworth (https://tinyurl.com/y2nhnbt7), and/or Nicolas Gasparini/Myuu (https://tinyurl.com/lnqpfs8) is used with permission.
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(Over time links seen above may become invalid, disappear, or have different content. I always make sure to give authors credit for the material I use whenever possible. If I somehow overlooked doing so for a story, or if a credit is incorrect, please let me know and I will rectify it in these show notes immediately. Some links included above may benefit me financially through qualifying purchases.)
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“I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.” — John 12:46
Visit the Church of the Undead: http://undead.church/
Find out how to escape eternal darkness at https://weirddarkness.com/eternaldarkness
Trademark, Weird Darkness ®. Copyright, Weird Darkness ©.
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