TikTok Time Shifters In The Shower
(Daily Mail · by · November 28, 2021)
For many the idea of shifting into a parallel universe will be something left to superhero movies and science fiction books.
But for some it is perhaps a reality, with dozens of TikTok users are claiming they have shifted realities into parallel timelines – both accidentally and intentionally.
The users claim they use the shower as their portal for time travel, simply by changing the temperature from hot to cold and ‘manifesting’ the change they want.
Model Kady Rox , from Nashville, claims she was on a plane on a school trip in 2017, where she sat with a group of classmates.
But on her return, the classmates claim they missed the flight.
After going viral with her story of accidental travel, Kady claims she can now move timelines deliberately by manifesting her desires while in the shower.
‘In the spring of 2017, my classmates and I took a trip to Paris and were heading back on the last day of the trip,’ she explains.
‘All four of us got into a car and headed to the airport.
‘Now somewhere in the airport, and I don’t remember this completely. I just know at some point, I wasn’t near them.
‘I think maybe I went off to find food or something. But at some point, they were like texting me, “Kady Kady, where are you? ” We’re boarding.
‘At the 12th hour. I made it, I made it. I made it to the terminal.

Model Kady Rox , from Nashville, claims she was on a plane on a school trip in 2017, where she sat with a group of classmates. But on her return, the classmates claim they missed the flight. After going viral with her story of accidental travel, Kady claims she can now move timelines deliberately by manifesting her desires while in the shower.
‘In fact, I remember thinking that the ceiling was so cool that I took this photo this photo from me sitting on the floor waiting for my section of the planes aboard and all the girls were there.
‘I remember walking on that aircraft past two of my friends is sitting like three rows behind them.
‘Then the four of us took a taxi back to the apartments we were staying in while we were in school, and I distinctly remember this.
‘Two days later they’re talking about they weren’t three rows in front of us.
‘And to this day, I have no idea why they remember missing the flight.

Dozens of people took to the comments to say they’d had similar experiences, with one writing: ‘I swear this happens to me all the time’.
‘And I remember all four of us being on that flight.
‘They even have memories of what we did after the flight – like being in the taxi together and going to the beach and talking about it in the group chat’.
In a follow up clip, Kady explains that she’s able to deliberately move timelines by manifesting her desires in the shower.
‘The original video was about accidentally changing timelines. So go check that out if you haven’t seen it. But I’ve been doing really intentional portal work because things have stuck right now,’ she added.
‘So things like water, work as like natural portals, doorways as well.
‘And the easiest way to skip timelines is to find a portal.
‘I like using waters I do it in the shower. So sometimes I’ll script or I’ll envision in my mind the timeline, and as I’m in the water I’m shutting the old timeline. When the water stops I stepping out into the timeline.’
Dozens of people took to the comments to say they’d had similar experiences, with one writing: ‘I swear this happens to me all the time’.
Another added: ‘Timelines shifted in 2017. My life went on a 180 degree turn that year’.
A third wrote: ‘This happens a lot in airports’.
Hundreds of TikTok users have shared videos claiming similar things have happened to them, with self-proclaimed ‘master manifester’ Marian Valenza sharing a tutorial on how to do it.
‘Did you know that you can timeline shift and manifest in the shower?’ she explained in a video which she captioned ‘water is so powerful’.
‘You can actually shift into your most desired timeline where what you want to manifest has already come through using the power of the water in your shower.
‘Water is such a powerful conduit to this. I’m going to share it a step by step way of how I’ve done it.
‘There’s other videos out there where I’ve seen it in a different way, but this is how I do it and you want to wait until the very last step because that’s actually the most important step. Number one is that you want to give yourself enough time, because you don’t want to rush this.
‘You want to do this with intentionality.
‘Number two, when you go into the shower, soak yourself have we use hot, warm water and really cover your entire body and get soaking wet.
”And as the water is running through, literally visualise the water cleansing you so that it removes all of your limiting beliefs, the negative thoughts that you have, all the things holding you back from stepping into your highest self, your career success or business success – whatever it is that you want to manifest.
‘You’ve got to remember that everything you desire already exists in the non-physical, but you have blockers in the way preventing it or maybe slowing it down from materialising in the 3D world.
‘Practice finding pleasure in everything.
‘So wash your hair, you know lather your body with intention with pleasure. The key to this is feeling really good that raises your vibration.

Hundreds of TikTok users have shared videos claiming similar things have happened to them, with self-proclaimed ‘master manifester’ Marian Valenza sharing a tutorial on how to do it.
‘So when you wash everything off, continue feeling those good feelings that pleasure that joy and visualise you already having all that you desire.
‘This final step is super important. So move your water to the coldest possible temperature. And as you’re really feeling your entire body head to toe with this cold water running down.
‘Take three to eight conscious breaths. And while you’re doing this practice law of assumption and assume that it’s already yours, believe it and this is really where that shift happens into that timeline.
‘This hot to cold really shifts you and match it with a belief follow for more on manifestation and energetics’.
The new trend comes months after the trend of ‘reality shifting’ went viral on TikTok, which saw users mediate into another realm – including visiting Hogwarts and other fictional worlds.
This saw users mentally experience alternative lives, some users believe it’s essentially lucid dreaming, while others claims it’s possible to shift into another reality.
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