US Forest Service Bigfoot warning turns out to be a hoax

US Forest Service Bigfoot warning turns out to be a hoax

US Forest Service Bigfoot warning turns out to be a hoax

By T.K. Randall for Unexplained-Mysteries

An alleged official warning about ‘Bigfoots coming from the high country’ in Arizona has been exposed as a prank.

Given the complete lack of official recognition regarding the existence of large hairy hominids roaming the remote forests of the United States, it came as something of a surprise when a Facebook post claiming to be from the US Forest Service recently made reference to the cryptid in a suspiciously matter-of-fact way.

“Bigfoot Warning!” the notice read.

“Attention campers: due to the increased flow in the Kern River, the Bigfoots are coming down from the high country to feed on fish and vegetation at the rivers (sic) edge.”

The notice even explained what campers should do if they happened to run into one of these creatures, emphasizing that they should avoid running away or yelling at it.

As it turned out, however, the notice itself was nothing more than a prank.

For one thing, the US Forest Service is never likely to post up such a warning given that it does not recognize Bigfoot as a real creature. For another, the Kern River isn’t even in Arizona.

“We believe this was done as a humorous gag,” a spokesperson told USA Today.

“If and when a Sasquatch is sighted by officials on National Forest System lands, we’ll be sure to use official Forest Service letterhead.”

Source: USA Today

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