WEEKEND OF APRIL 22-23, 2023 #WeirdDarknessRadio

WEEKEND OF APRIL 22-23, 2023 #WeirdDarknessRadio

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HOUR ONE: Did the Comanche Indians defeat a race of white, red-haired giants? (White Giants) *** The Illini people have had numerous encounters with a mysterious dragon-like creature that existed thousands of moons before the pale face came. (Piasa – The Native American Dragon) *** The Cherokee have an interesting tale of how disease and medicine came into existence – and the story also explains why Native Americans respect all life. (The Legend of the Little Deer) *** The Cherokee people talk of an ancient light-skinned people whose blue eyes were so sensitive to light that they lived in the dark, underground. (The Moon-Eyed People of the Cherokee) *** The Chumash Indians in California first spoke of the dark watchers in legends and their artists painted images of them on cave walls. Who or what were they? (The Dark Watchers) *** Native Americans in North America have a well known cryptid that is believed to live even today – it’s cannibalistic, it can shapeshift, and it’s called the Wendigo. (Wendigo – The Native American Cannibal) *** All cultures have tales of heroes defeating evil. The Algonquian tribe is no different – and their mythical hero defeated evil sorcerers and the sorcerers’ demon followers. (Glooskap the Demon Slayer)
White Giants” by Trycia at DiscloseTV: http://bit.ly/2moiQ8Q
Piasa – The Native American Dragon” by Ellen Lloyd: http://bit.ly/2kVwsbm
The Legend of the Little Deer” by Thalia Lightbringer: http://bit.ly/2m7kNGv
The Moon-Eyed People of the Cherokee” by Ellen Lloyd: http://bit.ly/2VcDc5H
The Dark Watchers” by Ellen Lloyd: http://bit.ly/2kokkPM
Wendigo – The Native American Cannibal” by A. Sutherland: http://bit.ly/2W293Bs
Glooskap the Demon Slayer” by A. Sutherland: http://bit.ly/2kXJRzz
More Native American Lore” by Eric Redding: http://bit.ly/2m0thiO
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HOUR TWO: Native American people in Oklahoma tell of a vampire-like creature called a stikini, or “man owl”. (The Stikini Vampire) *** The Native American Iroquois are terrified of a flying demonic creature that takes pleasure in tormenting their people – just for kicks. (The Flying Head of the Iroquois) *** Native Americans have wonderful legends of a powerful and magnificent Thunderbird that was sent by the Gods to protect humans from evil. But that doesn’t mean it wasn’t terrifying. (Shapeshifting Thunderbirds) *** The Hopi Indian tribe encountered what they called the Maasaw – a living skeleton that was not only horrifying, but also gifted the Hopi with sacred knowledge. (The Skeleton Man of the Hopi) *** Many Native myths and legends deal with coyotes – for some it is the most sacred of all animals. For others, it is the most profane of animals. (Legends of the Coyote)
The Stikini Vampire” by A. Sutherland: http://bit.ly/2mrRQp5
The Flying Head of the Iroquois” by Ellen Lloyd: http://bit.ly/2mlzGVR
Shapeshifting Thunderbirds” by Ellen Lloyd: http://bit.ly/2kxMAje and A. Sutherland: http://bit.ly/2kMqFoD
The Skeleton Man of the Hopi” by Ellen Lloyd: http://bit.ly/2msZzDm
Legends of the Coyote” by A. Sutherland: http://bit.ly/2kLtK8s
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SUDDEN DEATH OVERTIME: More Native-American Lore
“More Native American Lore” by Eric Redding: http://bit.ly/2m0thiO
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Weird Darkness theme by Alibi Music Library. Background music, varying by episode, provided by Alibi Music, EpidemicSound and/or AudioBlocks with paid license. Music from Shadows Symphony: https://tinyurl.com/yyrv987t, Midnight Syndicate: http://amzn.to/2BYCoXZ, Kevin MacLeod: https://tinyurl.com/y2v7fgbu, Tony Longworth: https://tinyurl.com/y2nhnbt7, and/or Nicolas Gasparini/Myuu: https://tinyurl.com/lnqpfs8 is used with permission. 

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WeirdDarkness™ – is a production and trademark of Marlar House Productions. Copyright, Weird Darkness, 2023.

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