Weird Darkness Receives 1-Million Downloads In Just 3 Months!

Weird Darkness Receives 1-Million Downloads In Just 3 Months!

I’ve been waiting a long time to reach this mark – we just hit 1-million downloads in the past three months, with over 2-million downloads in total since October when we officially re-launched the show as a podcast!  I had never dreamed this would happen so soon – and I have all of you to thank for it!  Not only are you listening to the podcast, but you’re also sharing it on your social media, texting links to the episodes to your friends and family, emailing contacts about it, and some of you have even purchased t-shirts to become walking billboards for Weird Darkness!  You may be “Weirdos” – but you’re family to me!

Next goal… to see 1-million downloads per month!  And if things keep going like this, we might just make that happen before the end of 2018!  How could would that be!?!?

Thanks again everyone – and God bless each and every one of you for making this not only successful – but fun!

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