WEEKEND OF MARCH 25-26, 2023 #WeirdDarknessRadio
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Listen to “WEEKEND OF MARCH 25-26, 2023 #WeirdDarknessRadioShow” on Spreaker.
“Homicidal Poltergeists” by Sean Casteel: http://bit.ly/2R8tgEV
“The Ghost of a Serial Killer Lurks Within This Abandoned Farmhouse” from Backpackerverse: http://bit.ly/2F2XaFW
“The Argentina Entity” posted at Inexplicata: http://www.inexplicata.blogspot.com/
“Ghostly Voice Causes Hiker To Get Lost” by Steve Almasy: https://cnn.it/2WAxw1j
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“The Strange Mystery of the Eddy Brothers” from the book “Hauntings of America” by Troy Taylor: https://amzn.to/2F5zroC
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“It Was My Duty To Kill Him” by Troy Taylor: http://bit.ly/2R6KMtd
“Red McLaughlin’s Last Swim” by Troy Taylor: http://bit.ly/31nQuM5
“The Vanishing of the Springfield Three” by Troy Taylor: http://bit.ly/2Ka31gS
“The Clay Pigeon of the Underworld” by Troy Taylor: http://bit.ly/2KHJzHt
“The Unlucky Widow of Gangland Chicago”: http://bit.ly/2KGOSae
“Caught Between Heaven and Hell” by Sean Casteel: http://bit.ly/2XdbuGh
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Weird Darkness theme by Alibi Music Library. Background music, varying by episode, provided by Alibi Music, EpidemicSound and/or AudioBlocks with paid license. Music from Shadows Symphony: https://tinyurl.com/yyrv987t, Midnight Syndicate: http://amzn.to/2BYCoXZ, Kevin MacLeod: https://tinyurl.com/y2v7fgbu, Tony Longworth: https://tinyurl.com/y2nhnbt7, and/or Nicolas Gasparini/Myuu: https://tinyurl.com/lnqpfs8 is used with permission.
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WeirdDarkness™ – is a production and trademark of Marlar House Productions. Copyright, Weird Darkness, 2023.
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